Supported by wildlife enthusiasts

Looking after the reserve, Little Meadow and Tara’s Piece requires a significant amount of people power and money. We are grateful to the generosity of the public, the Friends of Withymead and our funders who support us. Your past, present and future support means a great deal to us. What visitors see today is only possible because of their friendship, advice, time, finances, humour, resilience, and good humour. What we all share is a deep and profound connection with this special place by the Thames. Please take time to read about our partners, and our local photographers whose work you see throughout this site.

Support Withymead

Thank you to our partners for their continued support


The Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust is our local wildlife trust.

Chilterns National Landscape

One of 38 National Landscapes (previously known as AONBs), a grant from their Farming in Protected Landscapes towards practical equipment has made a considerable impact on our ability to manage the reserve.

Christ Church, Oxford

One of our adjacent landowners. We collaborate when we need to work on our shared boundary, and we send them an annual report.

Dorothy Holmes Trust

We are fortunate to receive funding towards projects of our choosing. In 2024 we directed their support to this new website!

Elegant Homes

After our successful relocation of reptiles from one of their nearby building sites, we received a generous donation.

Elvendon Images

Local photographer Bernard Novell is also known as Elvendon Images. Several of his images appear here. We are immensely grateful for his support. Do enjoy his work on his own website. Thank you Bernard!

Environment Agency

An executive non-departmental public body established in 1996 to protect and improve the environment.

Gatehampton Trust

How do you find Little Meadow? This local trust’s support helped us provide the signs at both ends to tell you when you arrive, and for this new website!

Goring Fishing Club

Our popular local club which helps us monitor the use and condition of the riverbanks at Little Meadow and in lots of other ways. Their match funding with other joint partners enabled us to re-engineer the Thames Path at Little Meadow in summer 2023.

Goring Gap Local History Society

Our local historians with tremendous knowledge of our area. Our boatbuilding history words and images at Withymead and on the website were forensically researched and written by members Janet and Mike Hurst.

Goring Gap News

Our free local monthly publication reporting on village events, people, business, arts and sport. Surplus from paid advertising is given in grants and awards. Essential tree surgery so we can open safely, this website and signage is due to their support.

Goring-on-Thames in Bloom

The multiple award-winning group of volunteers who help make the village a beautiful place to visit. They enter the ‘Britain in Bloom with the RHS’ competition for small towns most years, and always bring the judges to visit on judging day. This ticks their box for ‘Wildlife & Conservation’. In 2022 Withymead won the regional award for Wildlife and Conservation.

Goring Parish Council

Our local parish council.


The local waste and recycling business. Their grant through the Landfill Communities Fund administered by TOE, and with other joint partners enabled us to re-engineer the Thames Path at Little Meadow in summer 2023.

Hi-Clarity Communications

Our interpretation was made significantly clearer with the assistance of Ivor Coleman, who wrote our visitor leaflet, and worked with us on our brand, signage and interpretation strategy. Thank you, Ivor!

Lucy Woodward Trust

The map and pamphlet you hold when visiting, signage, our all-terrain wheelchair, tree surgery and this website are due to the generous support from this local trust.

Mend the Gap

This will be our biggest project to date! Thanks to generous support from the Mend the Gap programme, we will be making access improvements at the reserve. Check news and stories soon for the full update.

Neil Aldridge Landscapes

Based in Goring-on-Thames, Neil Aldridge Landscapes provides quality landscape gardening for South Oxfordshire and the surrounding area. In 2023 Neil donated slabs for the Forest School children’s hide, and is providing slabs for our new welcome shelter in 2024.

Oxfordshire County Council

Well looked after trees mean we can open safely. Their Councillor Priority Fund enabled us to carry out essential tree surgery on the main reserve which we could not have done because of a significant loss of income during Covid-19.

Sonning Common Green Gym

Part of the movement that connects people and green spaces, their members constructed the Sand Martins’ Apartments, repaired our current boardwalk and fencing and helped improve the facilities and habitat in the reserve

South Stoke Parish Council

Our parish council neighbour to the north.

South Stoke Wildlife and Conservation Group

Our neighbours in the north! They help improve the natural environment around South Stoke for the benefit of all. Walk along the bridleway towards the village and you will soon see the results of their hard work.


Local photographer Simon Booker is also known as Stokerpix. Several of his images appear here and on our greetings cards. We are hugely grateful for his support. Do enjoy his work on his own website. Thank you, Simon!

South Oxfordshire District Council

Thanks to grants awarded in 2023 from the SODC councillor grant scheme, children attending the forest school area are now enjoying a new child-friendly bird hide and mud kitchen, and you are are enjoying this new website!

Thames Path National Trail

The long-distance national trail that follows the route of the Thames from source to sea. Their match funding and collaborative working with us and our partners enabled us to re-engineer the path through Little Meadow in 2023.

Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre

The Berkshire and Oxfordshire local records centre which holds 4.5 million records of flora and fauna in the two counties. They offer great advice on how to start collecting biological records and carry out surveys.

The Arts Society, Goring-on-Thames

The local society and arts charity that brings people together through a shared curiosity for the arts. Thanks to their sponsorship through their Young Arts and Volunteering programme, in 2024 children can enjoy art-based trails and workshops at the reserve.

Trust for the Oxfordshire Environment (TOE)

The county’s independent environmental fundraiser and grant maker. Their most recent support with funding from Grundon Waste Management Ltd through the Landfill Communities Fund means you can now run and walk more safely on a new hardwearing path through Little Meadow.

Wallingford and Didcot Rotary Club

Thanks to their support, visitors can now sit comfortably in our study centre chairs.

Wallingford Green Gym

Part of the movement that connects people and green spaces, this voluntary group has regularly helped with conservation and habitat management at Withymead and Little Meadow, especially when large scale tasks are required.

Wild Oxfordshire

This charity seeks to create a more natural, resilient and biodiverse Oxfordshire for the benefit of all. They are a rich resource of information and advice, and bring together and collaborate with many Oxfordshire charities and organisations like us.

Our photography

A picture paints a thousand words and the photography of Peter Brass, David Brown, Simon Booker, David Flory, Barbara Hately, Pete Morton, Bernard Novell, Steve Rock, and Adrian Cubitt have helped tell our story on this website. Their many hours spent on the reserve looking up, down, close and far and their willingness to share their work in support of Withymead is hugely appreciated. You can see more of their wonderful photography in our gallery, and where they have their own website in partners above. If you are a photographer or photography group and would like to visit, you can book a private Friday visit or get in touch.

View our gallery

Thank you

The words here, in print and in situ are expertly written and edited by Peter Brass, Ivor Coleman, Jenny Hedge, Janet Hurst, Mike Hurst, Rebecca Joisce, Pete Morton, Imogen Smart, and Paul Solomon. Our history is researched and written by Peter Brass, Janet Hurst and Mike Hurst. Our gorgeously illustrated maps are by David Goodman. Tony Hedge has expertly maintained our previous website and assisted with our new. Our new website was beautifully crafted by Unstuck Design.

We are grateful to all past and current trustees and wardens for steering us sustainably and carefully, keeping and upholding Anne Carpmael’s vision. We would also like to thank John Walters. John has a long association with Withymead and Anne Carpmael. He knows the reserve and the properties better than anyone. He offers the trust very helpful advice when we ask and practical help when we need it. We simply couldn’t do it without him.

The Friends of Withymead offer essential assistance which helps with the planning and implementation of current and future projects: thank you. There are several individual donors who wish to remain anonymous: your support is invaluable. We are grateful to all past and current volunteers for your willingness to get stuck in on the reserve: thank you. Some significant people give a tremendous amount of their time and also wish to remain anonymous: thank you.

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