
Help conserve this gem by the Thames for people to experience now and for future generations to love and enjoy. This small oasis of nature provides a home for a surprising amount of wildlife. Your support helps maintain its wildness, reveal our boatbuilding heritage and nurture our flora and fauna from otters and kingfishers spied from our bird hides to moss and lichens and insect life. Your support makes a difference to preserving this jewel of reed fen, wetland and woodland, together with Little Meadow and Tara’s Piece. Entry to the main reserve is free (except for commercial hires) however each site requires constant upkeep and takes place all year round. Although we are entirely volunteer led, with no direct staffing costs, we welcome donations to help us with the planning and implementation of current and future projects to fulfil the wishes of Anne Carpmael, our founding benefactor. In person donations are also welcome when you visit – just look for the donation boxes.

You can make a one-off donation or set up a regular contribution below. Or you can set up a standing order directly with your bank. If you love what we do but can’t donate, please share our news and information about what we do instead.


Gift aid it!

Donating through Gift Aid means that the trust can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. By adding your name and address, signing and completing the declaration at the bottom of this form, the trust can recoup income tax from Inland Revenue on your donations.

Please return your completed form to Withymead or by post to Friends of Withymead, Withymead Nature Reserve, Bridle Way, Goring-on-Thames, Oxfordshire RG8 OHS.

Questions? Head over to contact us.

Find out more about Gift Aid